Monday, 3 June 2013


We decided to start this blog so family and friends can keep up with our Boston adventures. We arrived on Saturday around 1am after a very, very, very....very long drive. We stayed at the Hotel Marlowe the first night, and it was beautiful, here is a picture of the kids in the morning, enjoying our first look at the city.

After this we headed to our sublet in Somerville. We decided to sublet a furnished apartment for 2 months before moving all of our things, this way we can check out the city and neighbourhoods and get to know the area before committing to a location. After we arrived we found that a) it's quite small and b) there is no air conditioning. Needless to say I was a miserable sod all day whining about the heat. Neil was a champ!

 We decided to get out of the heat and went to run some errands, including Target and Whole Foods Market. Don't even get me started on how amazing Whole Foods is, all the meat is one of or all of the following: organic/antibiotic-free/grass fed/vegetarian-fed/humanely treated. It's pretty amazing. When we went to the Walmart on the way here, we noticed how there was way more junk food than we are used to in Canada. It's easy to eat badly here, but after seeing the options in Whole Foods, I can see that it's also easy to eat very healthy!

We're just getting settled in today, Eve is having a nap, Knox and I are sharing pita's and hummus on the couch. Neil had his first day at work. It's raining, so we're spending the day indoors.

Boston Observations:
-it's all about parallel parking here, if you can't parallel park, then you're kind of screwed... so this basically means I'm screwed.
-There are American flags everywhere here, not just in Boston, but on the entire drive we noticed this. You definitely can't forget where you are, it's kind of amazing actually.
-When we were shopping in Whole Foods I was carrying Eve in a ring sling, a guy and his girlfriend were browsing next to us and he said (in a fabulous Bostonian accent), "Look, it's a little baby. Hey darlin'. Hey... it's a baby in a bag! Look Marta, it's a baby in a bag!"
-The city is gorgeous, unlike anything I've ever seen. So many trees, even right downtown. here are a few photos I managed to take from the car, not the best, but gives you an idea!

All the houses are so sweet looking.

 Fire truck excitement greets us!
 Scary tunnel
These flowers are everywhere


 Our street

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