Monday, 10 June 2013


The weekend finally came! Hooray! We went out both days apartment hunting, and to the beach! Here are a few photos of the weekend.

 A little piece of home, my beautiful quilt from Grandma Janet

 Neil and Evie

 Eve and I

 Eve lovin' up the sand. She had a flat round rock and was basically scooping up the sand like chip-dip.

Avalon Beach, it was nice, but not a repeat. There are many more to investigate! 


  1. That pic of Eve sitting in the sand in the hat is amazing. Calmest I've ever seen her in a picture, I think.

  2. You guys look very happy :)

    Loooooove that quilt

  3. You all look very happy!

    Looooooove that quilt!
